Fight. You Win.
Case Results
- Pedestrian injured when hit by automobile. Case settled for $3,550,000.00.
- Brian B. Client sustained an at the knee amputation when he was ejected from his wheelchair due to a dangerous condition on a driveway. Case settled for policy limits of $2,000,000.00.
- Clients (Confidential ) Two clients injured in a rear end automobile accident obtained a global settlement of $1,000,000 to compensate them for physical injuries and emotional distress.
- Maria C. Disabled client not properly restrained in medical transport vehicle. Sustained back injuries (fractured vertebra). Case settled in litigation for $815,000.00.
- Client (confidential), slipped and fell in a grocery store in San Diego county. She hit her head when she fell and sustained a concussion. She experienced numerous post concussive symptoms which caused her to become very anxious and depressed. She also experienced memory problems as well. Her injuries had a devastating effect on her personal life and caused many problems for both her and her immediate family. This case settled while in Litigation at mediation for $600,000.00.
- Anthony M. Sustained a torn medial patella femoral ligament after he slipped and fell in the common area of the condo where he resided . The area where he fell was very slippery resulting from the accumulation of algae on the side walk . The case settled prior to litigation for $580,000.00.
- Client was rear ended at low speed. He sustained multiple soft tissue injuries along with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. William G. $575,000.00.
- Jackie S. Automobile accident involving a drunk driver. Client sustained a concussion and had post concussion syndrome. Case settled for policy limits of $500,000.00 which was split evenly with two other plaintiffs who also sustained injuries.
- Jenn L. Client sustained neck and low back injuries in a rear-end automobile accident. The physical rehabilitation was painful and protracted. The case settled in litigation for $400,000.00.
- Cheryl M. Automobile accident. Client T-boned in an intersection, aggravating pre-existing cervical degeneration. Disc disease requiring a cervical fusion. Case settled in litigation for $350,000.00.
- Mia B. Stepped in hole where a city sign was removed. Client sustained hand injuries. Case settled in litigation for $325,000.00.
- Z. Family. Automobile accident. Four family members rear-ended. Case settled collectively for $320,000.00.
- Virginia O. , client sustained a fractured hip when she was attacked by a dog and knocked to the ground. Case settled for policy limits of $300,000.00.
- Victoria W. Client tripped and fell down stairwell due to faulty hand rail. Client sustained broken ankle requiring surgery. Case settled in litigation for $275,000.00.
- James S. Automobile accident. Client was rear-ended and sustained a herniated cervical disc. Case settled in litigation for $258,000.00.
- Laurel S. Client slipped on an advertizing flyer at a major department store. Back injury, case settled in excess of $200,000.00.
- Nolberto A. Boat accident. Client slipped while on a whale watching excursion. Case settled in excess of $200,000.00.
- Ann O. Automobile accident. Knee injury. Arbitration award of $200,000.00.
- Erin K. Automobile accident, sustaining a broken wrist. Case settled for policy limits of $200,000.00.
- Wayne S. Client sustained a knee injury when he stepped in a ditch at a construction site. Case Settled in litigation for $195,000.00.
- Client sustained a concussion with post concussive symptoms. Jury verdict $175,000.00.
- Cedrick W. Premises liability case. Rotted stairwell collapsed. Client injured his rotator cuff, requiring surgery. Case settled in litigation for $165,000.00.
- Jaime S. Slip and Fall at super market. Case settled in litigation for $150,000.00.
- Taylor B. Client suffered injuries to his neck and back, as well as a nasty laceration from his forehead down to his eyelid, when the vehicle he was riding in was hit by a driver crossing multiple lanes of traffic on a freeway. Client was left with a noticeable scar. Case settled for $105,967.00.
- Madeline Z Client was involved in a car accident. She sustained a concussion with post-concussive symptoms along with soft tissue injuries. Case settled in litigation for policy limits of $100,000.00.
- Automobile rear end accident involving two clients. One client sustained a lumbar spine injury requiring surgery and the other client sustained carpal tunnel injuries and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Post Concussion Syndrome. $100,000.00 Confidential
- Richard E. Automobile accident. Initial offer from insurance company before client retained our office was $500.00. We settled case for policy limits of $100,000.00.
- Janice P. Dog Bite. Infected hand. Case settled for $82,000.00.