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Is Driving While Sick With Coronavirus as Dangerous as Driving Drunk in San Diego, California?

As coronavirus cases spike across the country, many cities and states are choosing to reverse course on re-opening. With more people getting sick, there is understandable concern about infection, but can people getting sick who choose to get behind the wheel be putting San Diego residents at risk of injury and crashes? Several years ago CBS News reported on the effects that driving while sick with the common cold could have on driving ability and the results of the study were alarming. Individuals who got behind the wheel while sick showed marked differences in their driving ability than those who were healthy.
Public officials are asking that people who are experiencing the symptoms of coronavirus to stay home and avoid the general public. Given the risks that driving with the common cold can pose to drivers on the road, there is more reason for sick people to stay home. Individuals who are experiencing more severe symptoms might want to think twice before getting behind the wheel and driving in San Diego. Consider calling an ambulance or asking a family member or friend to help you seek medical help. The worst coronavirus symptoms have reportedly led to cognitive issues and can potentially put a person at risk of going unconscious. Finally, if you have been in an accident where you believe the other driver may have been sick, you may have certain rights under the law. While there are no laws barring people who are sick from driving, there are laws against driving while impaired. If a driver makes a deadly or dangerous error behind the wheel, the driver could be held accountable for the accident. The Law Offices of Bruce S. Meth is a car accident law firm in San Diego, California that works with individuals and victims who have been hurt in crashes. If you’ve been hurt, contact our car accident attorneys today to learn more about your options and rights.
Risks of Driving While Sick
Researchers have found some real risks associated with driving while sick. For example, research performed by a British insurance company found that drivers who had the common cold were more likely to hit their brakes, were likely to have slower reaction times behind the wheel, were less aware of the traffic around them, and experienced an estimated 50% decline in their driving ability. The individuals studied were people suffering from just the common cold, not people who might be suffering from the more severe symptoms of the coronavirus, which can include respiratory distress, cognitive issues, and more extreme fatigue. If you’re sick with COVID-19, your best bet is to avoid getting behind the wheel and to stay home. If you’re very ill and need to seek medical help, consider calling an ambulance or consider asking another person to help you drive.
Another risk that sick drivers might pose to those on the road is the risk that they could be driving while under the influence of cold medicine. Certain types of medications can interfere with a person’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. According to the FDA, certain types of prescriptions and over the counter medications can cause sleepiness, drowsiness, dizziness, difficulty focusing, nausea, excitability and fainting. These medicines can include pain relievers, cold medicines containing codeine, prescription cold medicine, over the counter cold medicine and anti-allergy medication, sleep medication, muscle relaxants, diarrhea medication, and more. These kinds of drugs, when taken, can interfere with a driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle. Drivers who are sick and who are taking these medicines should read the label and avoid driving. And if you’ve been in an accident and suspect that the other driver was under the influence of impairing medication, you may have the right to seek damages for your losses. The Law Offices of Bruce S. Meth is a car accident law firm in San Diego, California that may be able to help you if you’ve been hurt in a car accident and believe the other driver was under the impairing influence of cold medicines. Contact our car accident attorney today to learn more.
Protecting Car Accident Victims’ Rights in San Diego
As we face a resurgence of coronavirus cases, the risk of illness and also the potential risk that people on the road might be sick is increased. The car accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Bruce S. Meth in San Diego, California may be able to assist you with your claim after a crash. Our attorneys can review the circumstances of your case, estimate the value of your claim, seek damages from negligent parties, and negotiate a settlement with your insurance company. Reach out to the Law Offices of Bruce S. Meth, a San Diego, California car accident law firm today, or connect with to get matched with Bruce S. Meth today. We can provide you and your family with a free initial consultation.