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Motorized Scooter Accident
Motorized Scooter Accident Lawyers in Chula Vista, Eastlake, and Nearby Areas

Take a look around. Motorized scooters are showing up all over San Diego County. Unfortunately, Scooter drivers have been involved in many serious accidents in San Diego. Why is this?
There are several reasons. The obvious is that drivers are not accustomed to looking for small scooters on the roadway. Also scooter operators are not utilizing proper safety gear and sometimes they are riding with more than one occupant.
Also there have been accidents with pedestrians because scooter drivers are driving on sidewalks which is against the law.
California law requires scooter operators to wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet if they are under the age of 18. Scooter drivers shall not operate a scooter while carrying anything that prevents the operator from keeping at least one hand on the handlebar.
Scooter operators shall not drive with more than one occupant. Scooter operators shall not drive on a highway with a posted speed of more than 25 mph unless it is within a class 11 or 1V bikeway.
A class 11 bikeway provides a striped lane for a one way bike on a street or highway. A class 1V bikeway is for the exclusive use of bicycles physically separated from motor vehicle traffic with a vertical feature.
Also a motorized scooter may never be ridden at a speed in excess of 15 mph on all highways including bikeways. In addition, California law requires scooter operators to have a valid drivers license.
Our office handles scooter accident cases. We will determine who was at fault and hold the responsible party accountable. We may employ experts such as accident reconstructionists or other experts to aid us in our evaluation if necessary.
Once we have determined liability, we will pursue damages against the responsible party. Call us for a free consultation (619) 691-8942.
*Handling bicycle accidents in Chula Vista, San Diego, National City, Imperial Beach, Coronado, Bonita, Eastlake, and nearby areas.
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(619) 691-8942
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